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The All-in-One Digital Marketing Simulation that Students Value

Access all the digital marketing simulations you need to boost the learning experience and provide students with a hands-on environment to develop practical skills and insights

Globally Trusted

30,000+ Enrolled Students

Expert Simulation Design

12 Years of Excellence

Dedicated Support

1:1 Instructor Training & Assistance

Empowering Education at

Who Is Simzolearn?

At Simzolearn, we're passionate about revolutionizing digital marketing education. We believe in the power of immersive, hands-on learning experiences, and we've made it our mission to provide educators and learners with the most sophisticated and engaging simulation learning experiences.

Comprehensive Coverage of Digital Marketing

Our simulations cover a wide range of digital marketing topics. Each topic is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of the subject matter and practical skills they can apply in real-world scenarios.


Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) is a crucial component of digital marketing strategy in which advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. PPC is a highly effective channel for driving targeted traffic to your website.

Campaign Management
Develop proficiency in creating and managing successful PPC campaigns.
Account Optimisation
Gain insights into optimising ad performance and maximising campaign return on investment.
Targeting & Segmentation
Understand advanced targeting techniques and audience segmentation in PPC advertising.
Reporting & Analysis
Analyse campaign data to identify trends and optimise keyword strategies.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a direct and personalised channel that involves sending targeted emails to specific audiences promoting products, services, or to drive engagement.

Content Creation
Acquire competencies to craft compelling email campaigns that engage and convert subscribers.
Campaign Metrics
Measure email campaign performance through key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
Targeting & Segmentation
Learn best practices for building email lists and segmenting audiences.

Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization involves the creation and refinement of website pages with the goal of increasing desired actions by visitors, such as making a purchase or submitting a form.

Landing Page Creation

Develop competency in designing landing pages that drive conversions

Optimization Techniques

Learn techniques to optimise landing page elements for improved user experience

A/B Testing

Understand A/B testing methodologies to continuously refine and enhance landing page performance

Content Development

Implement persuasive copywriting and visual design techniques to increase landing page success

Community Management

Community management involves building, nurturing, and engaging online audiences for a brand, product, or service to foster relationships, brand loyalty and customer experience

Community Development

Develop strategies for building and nurturing online communities for brands.

Audience Engagement

Foster community growth by developing effective communication and engagement techniques

Conversation Management

Acquire skills to handle customer inquiries, feedback, and resolve conflicts in community settings

For Lecturers

Simplify Teaching, Enhance Learning

Our simulations provide an intuitive, user-friendly platform for assessing
students' practical application of knowledge, all while saving you time and enhancing student engagement.

Instructional Ease

Our simulation simplifies the process of integrating practical digital marketing exercises into your curriculum. From setting up simulations to assessing student performance, every step is designed to be efficient and intuitive.

Practical Learning

Deliver an immersive, experiential learning experience that seamlessly connects theory to practical execution. By actively involving students, this engagement cultivates profound comprehension and enhances skill retention.

Controlled Assessment

Evaluating students' practical application of knowledge is the paramount role fulfilled by the simulation. Immerse them in a controlled environment that ensures assessment integrity and fosters reflective skills appraisal.

For Learners

Gain Practical Skills, Boost Your Career

For learners, our simulations offer an opportunity to gain
hands-on experience in digital marketing, preparing you for real-world scenarios.

Practical Skill Development

Students are tasked with optimizing PPC campaigns, landing pages, email campaigns, and online communities. This hands-on approach helps develop essential practical and critical thinking skills for modern marketers.

Risk-Free Experimentation

Access a safe environment to experiment with varying digital marketing strategies and avoid the associated risks of practising with real-world campaigns. Vary campaign inputs, learn from mistakes, and understand the impact of decisions taken.

Interactive Learning

Students strategize and innovate collaboratively. Leaderboards ignite friendly rivalries, motivating engagement and shared learning. Simulation-driven discussions ignite dynamic exchanges, fostering a vibrant collaborative learning experience.

Getting Started with Simzolearn


Apply For Free Licence

Simply complete the registration form and include your school’s name


Schedule a Demo

Understand how to maximise the learning experience with the simulation


Access the Platform

Review the training and onboarding materials

4 Things Your Students Should Know About PPC Marketing

Create Your First Class Simulation

With just a few clicks, launch a simulation and invite your students to join

Your Guide to Simzolearn

Delve into the future of digital marketing education with SimzoLearn. We've put together an insightful brochure to showcase how our innovative simulations provide a hands-on learning experience, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Discover how educators and learners alike can benefit from our comprehensive curriculum, designed to enhance learning outcomes, foster practical skills, and prepare your students for the ever evolving digital marketing landscape.

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